How can I take advantage of this awesome Double Gift Certificate Sale on Friday, December 20, 2013?
1. Come into the studio
2. Call us at the studio 309.662.5600
3. Purchase online http://yrmsproofing.com/payment
How do I purchase online?
1. Go to http://yrmsproofing.com/payment
2. Put in payment amount for $50 or up to $250 per household. (Maximum DGC per household is $250 for $500 in credit).
3. Put in the Comments section : Double Gift and who the Certificate is for if as well as the contact info for the client if it is not for yourself.
4. Log in to website and check out.
For whom can these Double Gift Certificates be purchased?
Your wife
Your mom
Your Sister
Your friend
(These make great gifts for anyone having a new baby in the spring!)
How much are the Gift Certificates?
GC's start at $50 and go up to $250 for a maximum $500 in credit.
(Up to $250 in DGC's are availble per household.)
Can Double Gift Certificates be used on past sessions?
No, these certificates are for use only on new sessions that have not yet been photographed. Sessions must take place between January 7th-March 31st, 2014.
What if I forget to use my Gift Certificate before March 31st, 2014?
Your Gift Certificate is still valid, however it is only for the amount you purchased and no longer doubled. ( We will call you at least once as a reminder).
What can I purchase with the Double Gift Certificates?
Prints, wall portraits and in-stock frames from your spring 2014 sessions! (Not valid on Sessions, Jewelry, Ordered frames or cards).
When does my certificate expire after my session takes place?
Double Gift Certificates are valid for up to 30 days after your session takes place. If orders are not placed within 30 days of session, then the certificate is no longer double but only valid for the amount it was purchased.
PLEASE CONTACT YRMS for further questions : 309.662.5600
Our next Double Gift Certificate Sale is currently scheduled for May 9th, 2014. (this may change if Baby Apsey arrives later than expected)